8 • Departmental Accounting
8-2 SV62214 Rev. A
Activating Accounting and Setting Up Your AccountsUse the table below to step you through the process of setting up the
Accounting feature and determine whether to use passwords on indi-
vidual accounts. The table covers the entire "life cycle" of an account.
Step Action Description/Procedure
1Turn On
Turns on the Accounting feature. This is neces-
sary before you can create accounts.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "Turn items ON/OFF.
4. Select "Accounting".
5. Select "Turn Accounting ON".
2Create a
If you establish a Supervisor password, a user will
need to enter this password to add, edit, or delete
Departmental Accounts; and for clearing Depart-
mental Account totals. Also, you need to set up a
Supervisor password before you can enable Ac-
count passwords. If you don't need this option, or
you don't need passwords, you can skip to step 4.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "LockCode/Passwords".
4. Select "Su per vi sor Password".
5. At the prompt, type in a password (4 digits)
and select "Continue". Re-enter the new
password again to confirm and select "Con-
6 At the "Supervisor Password has been en-
abled" message, select "Continue".
3Turn On
Turns on the requirement for all operators to enter
passwords when choosing an account (if a pass-
word has been established for an account).
1. From Home screen, press the selection key
next to ACCT: line to display the Accounts
2. Press Page Down twice and select "Acct
3. Select "Turn Passwords ON". You return back
to the Accounts menu.