Table of Contents
SV62214 Rev. A
4 • Printing OptionsPrinting Options .......................................................................4-1
Sections of the Meter Stamp ....................................................4-1
Printing a $0.00 Meter Stamp ..................................................4-2
Auto-Advance of Printed Date for the Meter Stamp ................. 4-2
Manually Changing Printed Date for the Meter Stamp ............4-2
Bypass All Printing and Seal the Envelope Only ......................4-3
Omitting/Restoring Day or Date on the Meter Stamp ..............4-4
Adding/Removing a Postal Inscription to Meter Stamp ..............4-5
Adding/Removing an Envelope Ad to the Meter Stamp ........... 4-6
Printing the Date and Time Only (no meter stamp) ..................4-7
Printing Ad, Date, and Time Only (no meter stamp) ................4-8
Adjusting Horizontal Print Position of Meter Stamp .................4-9
5 • Normal and Custom PresetsWhat is a Preset? .....................................................................5-1
Why Should I Use Presets? .....................................................5-1
Why Should I Always Include a USPS® “Class” in my Preset? 5-1
Normal Preset ..........................................................................5-2
Viewing (and Selecting) the Normal Preset ......................5-3
Defining New Values for the Normal Preset ......................5-4
Custom Presets .......................................................................5-5
Selecting a Custom Preset ................................................5-5
Defining a New Custom Preset .........................................5-6
Viewing (and Selecting) a Custom Preset ........................5-7
Editing a Custom Preset Name .........................................5-8
Deleting a Custom Preset .................................................. 5-8
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data CenterPostage and Your Machine ......................................................6-1
Establishing Communications Between Your Machine and the
Pitney Bowes Data Center .......................................................6-1
Downloads from the Data Center to Your Machine .....................6-2
Using PC Meter Connect™ to Establish Communications with the
Data Center (Preferred Method) ..............................................6-5
Using Analog Phone Line to Establish Communications with the
Data Center (Alternate Method) ...............................................6-6