

Password Settings




Current Password

Enter the current password (up to 15-digit alphanumeric string) of the


Access Point. The default password for WAP-4035 is admin. Note that the


password is case-sensitive.



New Password

Enter the password (up to 15-digit alphanumeric string) you want to login


to the Access Point. Note that the password is case-sensitive.



Re-Enter Password

Reconfirm the password (up to 15-digit alphanumeric string) you want to


login to the Access Point. Note that the password is case-sensitive.



Management IP




IP Address

Designate the Access Point’s IP Address. This IP Address should be


unique in your network. The default IP Address is



Subnet Mask

Specify a Subnet Mask for your LAN segment. The default Subnet Mask of


the Access Point is



Gateway Address

The IP address of the default gateway of the subnet that this access point