1 Getting Started
The izone PHOTO™ is the first portable digital picture viewer in Polaroid brand. Its
•Easily viewing, storing and printing pictures you have taken with a digital camera
•Share and relieve your most treasured memories quickly and easily on its
•Viewing JPEG images of up to 6 megapixels.
•Magnify pictures 4X for a
•Display pictures on an external monitor, such as TV
•Rotating and adding a photo effect to pictures
•Bundled with AcrSoft® MediaConverter, quickly and effortlessly converting photo and video files into formats optimized for use on your portable device
•The izonePHOTO™ may support the images in standard Huffman table JPEG format and video clips in AVI and asf formats. Use ArcSoft® MediaConverter™ or a
•The izonePHOTO™ can only read images and video clips stored in the “100 MEDIA” folder. The picture viewer will not read images and video files in any other folder.
6Polaroid izonePHOTO™ Portable Digital Picture Viewer User Guide