1.Shift extension wing so it is slightly above saw table surface.
2.Begin by tightening the three screws (17mm wrench) under the extension wing that secure it to saw table. Tighten these just enough to hold wing in place but loose enough to change wing height by tapping on it.
3.Lay straight edge (Figure 6) across saw table and extension wing, extending it out past edge of wing as shown.
4.Move straight edge to several places along wing, as you continue to nudge wing level with saw table. As each area of wing becomes flush with table, tighten the screw under that area. Continue until all three screws are fully tightened. NOTE: Make sure front edge of wing remains flush with front edge of saw table.
5.Repeat above steps for opposite extension wing.
7.7Rails and Fence
With extension wings properly aligned, the rails and
NOTE: The switch bracket must be mounted to front rail before installing guide tube. Follow instructions in section 7.8, then install guide tube.
7.8Switch bracket
Refer to Figure 7.
After front rail has been installed, mount switch bracket with three flat head screws
Mount guide tube to front rail, referring to instructions in your
Figure 7
7.9Wood Extension Table
For instructions on mounting the accessory wood extension table, consult
7.10Motor cover
Refer to Figure 8.
At the motor side, slide hinge pins through motor cover cylinders and into hinge barrels on saw. Close motor cover until it catches on latch post on saw.
Note: The catch mechanism may require slight adjustment to ensure proper alignment.
Figure 8
7.11Table insert
Refer to Figure 9.
Push insert down into table opening. Verify that insert lies flush with table surface by resting a straight edge across it at various points. If insert is not flush along its length, turn any of six set screws to raise or lower that area of the insert.