Premio Computer Premio Computer IDE HDD Block Mode, POWERONFunction, KB Power on Password

Models: Premio Computer

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Chapter 3

IDE HDD Block Mode

This allows your hard disk controller to use the fast block mode to transfer data to and from the hard disk drive. Block mode is also called block transfer, multi- ple commands or multiple sector read/write. Enabled enables IDE controller to use block mode; Disabled allows the controller to use standard mode.


This controls which part on the PS/2 mouse or keyboard can power on the system. Settings: Password, Hot KEY, Mouse Left, Mouse Right, Any Key, BUTTON ONLY and Keyboard 98.

KB Power ON Password

If POWER ON Function is set to Password, then you can set a password in the field for the PS/2 keyboard to power on the system.

Hot Key Power ON

If POWER ON Function is set to Hot KEY, you can assign a hot key combina- tion in the field for the PS/2 keyboard to power on the system. Settings: Ctrl- F1 through Ctrl-F12.


The item is used to enable or disable the onboard Floppy controller. Select Enabled when you have installed a floppy disk drive and want to use it.

Onboard Serial Port 1/2

The items specify the base I/O port address and IRQ for the onboard Serial Port A/Serial Port B. Selecting Auto allows BIOS to automatically determine the correct base I/O port address. Settings: Disabled, 3F8/IRQ4, 2F8/IRQ3, 3E8/ IRQ4, 2E8/IRQ3 and Auto.

UART Mode Select

The field allows you to specify the operation mode for serial port “COM B”. Settings are:

Normal:RS-232C Serial Port

IrDA: IrDA-compliant Serial Infrared Port

ASKIR: Amplitude Shift Keyed Infrared Port


This setting controls the receiving and transmitting speed of the IR peripheral


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Premio Computer Premio Computer IDE HDD Block Mode, POWERONFunction, KB Power on Password, Hot Key Power on, RxD,TxDActive