The maximum length for the outgoing data is 512 bytes. If the format request will result in a data stream exceeding the maximum length, an error would be reported.
A mandatory parameter to specify an ASCII string of characters, which is followed by the RFID data, to be sent by the printer to the host.
(D)Delimiter designating the start and end of a character string. Replace (D) with any printable character, except the SFCC and the slash character (/). The string could be empty, i.e. there are not headers preceeding the field data.
NOTE: 1. The DFn field must be defined previously in the CREATE mode before it can be specified in the VERIFY command otherwise it will be considered as a syntax error and the VERIFY command will abort.
2.All RFID Read/Write commands are executed first in the order they appear in CREATE mode, followed by Alpha and Barcode commands, and finally VERIFY commands. The VERIFY commands are always executed last although they may appear before other commands in the CREATE mode. The reason for this is to make sure the data are sent back to the host only if other commands are completed and the form is not aborted.
3.If the data comes from a DFn field, the DFn format is the original format before any conversion. If the VERIFY command specifies a different format, the data would then be converted to the new format. If the data comes from an AFn or BFn, the original format is S format.
4.432 in the ~CREATE line specifies a 6 inch label.
Use 144 for 2 inch labels and 288 for 4 inch labels.