Chapter 2 RFID CONTROL Menu
RFID Reader
This menu item enables or disables the RFID encoder. The default is Enable.
Error Handling
This menu item selects the error handling mode for RFID failures. The default is Overstrike.
In Overstrike mode, each failed label prints with the Overstrike pattern and the form retries on a new label until the Label Retry count is exhausted. Whether or not an error message will display or the failed label will reprint depends upon the Max Retry Error setting.
In None mode, no specific action is taken when a tag fails to be programmed.
In Stop mode, when a tag fails to be programmed, the printer will halt and display the error message “RFID Error: Check Media.” The label is discarded and reprinting of the label (if desired) must be initiated from the host. When the error is cleared, the label with the failed tag moves forward until the next label is in position to be printed.
Label Retry
NOTE: Label Retry only applies when the Error Handling mode is set to Overstrike.
This menu item selects the number of label retries that the RFID encoder will attempt before declaring a fault. This may indicate a problem with the RFID encoder, the antenna assembly, the printer setup, or the label stock. The default is 10.
Max Retry Error
This menu item enables or disables the Max Retry Error menu item. If it is set to Disable, errors are not declared and the print content for the current label is discarded. The default is Enable.