Promise Technology vtrak, m210p, m310p Contact Technical Support, Technical Support Services

Models: m210p m310p vtrak

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VTrak M310p, M210p Quick Start Guide

How can I be sure everything is working OK on the VTrak?

Locally: The VTrak enclosure has LEDs on the front to monitor the status of power, field replaceable units (FRUs) and logical drives. When these are green, VTrak is functioning normally.

Remotely: Check the Tree Icons in WebPAM. If there are no yellow or red warning icons displayed, VTrak is functioning normally.

What happens if a logical drive goes critical?

On the front of VTrak, the logical drive LED turns amber and an audible alarm sounds. This condition is described in Chapter 4 of the VTrak Product Manual on the software CD.

Can VTrak run using just one power supply?

Yes, it is possible to run VTrak on a single power supply. There are two power supplies so that VTrak will continue running if one of the power supply fails. But deliberately leaving one power supply off negates this advantage.

In addition, leaving one power supply off reduces air flow through the VTrak enclosure and can contribute to overheating. Always switch on both power supplies.

Contact Technical Support

Promise Technical Support provides several support options for Promise users to access information and updates. We encourage you to use one of our electronic services, which provide product information updates for the most efficient service and support.

If you decide to contact us, please have the following information available:

Product model and serial number

BIOS, firmware and driver version numbers

A description of the problem / situation

System configuration information, including: motherboard and CPU type, hard drive model(s), SATA/ATA/ATAPI drives & devices, and other controllers.

Technical Support Services

Promise Online™ Web Site


(technical documents, drivers, utilities, etc.)

Promise Online™ eSupport


(online request form)




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Promise Technology vtrak Contact Technical Support, Technical Support Services, Can VTrak run using just one power supply?