B – Command Line Interface
Show Log Command
B-64 59021-06 A
The following is an example of the Show Log Options command:SANbox2 #> show log options
Allowed options for log
component All, None, NameServer, MgmtServer, Zoning, Switch, Chassis, Blade,
Port, Eport, Snmp, Other,CimServer
level Critical,Warn,Info,None
The following is an example of the Show Log command: [327][day month date time year][I][Eport Port:0/8][Eport State=
[328][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][FSPF PortUp state=0]
[329][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Sending init hello]
[330][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Processing EFP, oxid= 0x8]
[331][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Eport State = E_A2_IDLE]
[332][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][EFP,WWN= 0x100000c0dd00b845,
len= 0x30]
[333][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Sending LSU oxid=0xc:type=1]
[334][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Send Zone Merge Request]
[335][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][LSDB Xchg timer set]
[336][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Setting attribute
Oper.UserPort.0.8.EpConnState Connected]