B – Command Line Interface
User Command
59021-06 A B-75
User CommandAdministers or displays user accounts.
Authority Admin. The List keyword is available with User authority.
Syntax user
delete [account_name]
Keywords accounts
Displays all user accounts that exist on the switch.
Add a user account to the switch. You will be prompted for an account name, a
password, authority, and an expiration date.
A switch can have a maximum of 15 user accounts.
Account names are limited to 15 characters; passwords must be 4–20
Admin authority grants permission to use the Admin command to open an
admin session, from which all commands can be entered. Without Admin
authority, you are limited to view-only commands.
The expiration date is expressed in the number of days until the account
expires (2000 maximum). The switch will issue an expiration alarm every
day for seven days prior to expiration.
delete [account_name]
Deletes the account name given by [account_name] from the switch.
Displays the list of users currently logged in and their session numbers. Provides
the same function as the Show Users command. This keyword is valid for User
authority and does not require an admin session.
Examples The following is an example of the User Accounts command:
SANbox2 (admin) #> user accounts
Current list of user accounts
images (admin authority = False, never expires)
admin (admin authority = True , never expires)
chuckca (admin authority = False, never expires)
gregj (admin authority = True , never expires)
fred (admin authority = True , never expires)