4 – Installation
Powering Down a Switch
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10. Display the list of firmware image files on the switch to confirm that the file
was loaded. Refer to the ”Image Command” on page B-16 for more
SANbox2 (admin) $>image list
11. Unpack the firmware image file to install the new firmware in flash memory.
SANbox2 (admin) $>image unpack filename
12. If the new firmware is later than version 2.0, the new firmware can be
activated without disrupting traffic. Enter the Hotreset command to perform a
non-disruptive activation.
SANbox2(admin) $>hotreset
Powering Down a Switch
Simply unplugging the switch from the power source does not allow the switch to
complete executing tasks and could lead to flash memory corruption. For this
reason, open a Telnet session and use the Shutdown command to initiate an
orderly shut down, then power down the switch. Refer to the ”Shutdown
Command” on page B-70.