4 – Installation
Install Firmware
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Using the CLI to Install FirmwareTo install firmware using the CLI when an FTP server is present on the
management workstation, do the following:
1. Connect to the switch through the Ethernet or the serial port and open a
Telnet session.
2. Enter the following account name and password:
SANbox2 Login:admin
Password: password
3. To start an admin session, enter the following:
SANbox2 $> admin start
4. Retrieve the firmware file. The device on which the firmware file is stored
must be running an FTP server. Enter the following command to retrieve the
firmware file from the specified IP address:
SANbox2 (admin) #> image fetch username
firmwarefilenametoload firmwarefilenameonswitch
Connected to
331 Password required for username.
230 User username logged in.
200 Type set to I.
Verbose mode off.
5. Enter the following command to display the list of firmware files:
SANbox2 (admin) #> image list
6. Enter the following command to install the new firmware:
SANbox2 (admin) #>image unpack filename
7. If the new firmware is later than version 2.0, the new firmware can be
acivated without disrupting traffic. Enter the Hotreset command to perform a
non-disruptive activation.
SANbox2 (admin) $>hotreset
Note: If prompted for your password, enter your password (for that IP
Address) and press the Enter key.