5 – Diagnostics/Troubleshooting
POST Diagnostics
5-8 59021-06 A
2. Reset the port, then perform an external port loopback test to validate the
port and the SFP. Refer to the ”Test Command” on page B-71 or the
SANbox2-8c/16 Switch Management User’s Guide for information about
testing ports. Does the port pass the test?
Yes - Con tin ue
No - Replace the SFP and repeat the test. If the port does not pass the
test, contact your authorized maintenance provider. Otherwise
3. Replace the Fibre Channel port cable. Is the problem corrected?
Yes - Com ple te.
No - Continue.
4. Inspect the device to which the affected port is connected and confirm that
the device and its HBA are working properly. Make repairs and corrections
as needed. If the condition remains, contact your authorized maintenance