Q-Logic IB6054601-00 D manual Memory Footprint, MPI include files are, Documentation can be found

Models: IB6054601-00 D

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2 – InfiniPath Cluster Administration Memory Footprint


MPI include files are in:


MPI programming examples and source for several MPI benchmarks are in:


InfiniPath utility programs, as well as MPI utilities and benchmarks are installed in:


The InfiniPath kernel modules are installed in the standard module locations in:

/lib/modules (version dependent)

They are compiled and installed when the infinipath-kernelRPM is installed. They must be rebuilt and re-installed when the kernel is upgraded. This can be done by running the script:


Documentation can be found in:


/usr/share/doc/infinipath /usr/share/doc/mpich-infinipath


Memory Footprint

The following is a preliminary guideline for estimating the memory footprint of the InfiniPath adapter on Linux x86_64systems. Memory consumption is linear based


IB6054601-00 D

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Q-Logic IB6054601-00 D manual Memory Footprint, MPI include files are, Documentation can be found