Q-Logic IB6054601-00 D To Use Another Compiler, To use PGI for Fortran90/Fortran95 programs, use

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3 – Using InfiniPath MPI InfiniPath MPI Details


line options. See the PathScale compiler documentation and the man pages for pathcc and pathf90 for complete information on its options. See the corresponding documentation for any other compiler/linker you may call for its options.


To Use Another Compiler

In addition to the PathScale Compiler Suite, InfiniPath MPI supports a number of other compilers. These include PGI 5.2 and 6.0, Intel 9.0, the GNU gcc 3.3.x, 3.4.x, and 4.0.x compiler suites and gfortran. The IBM XL family of compilers is also supported on ppc64 (Power) systems.

NOTE: The 2.x PathScale compilers aren’t currently supported on systems that have the GNU 4.x compilers and compiler environment (header files and libraries). This includes Fedora Core 4, Fedora Core 5, SUSE 10, and SLES 10. To run on those distributions, you can compile your application on a system that does support the PathScale compiler. Then you can run the executable on one of the systems that uses the GNU 4.x compiler and environment. For more information on setting up for cross-compilation, see section 3.5.4. The GNU 4.x compiler environment will be supported by the PathScale Compiler Suite 3.0 release.

NOTE: In addition, gfortran is not currently supported on Fedora Core 3, as it has dependencies on the GNU 4.x suite.

The following example shows how to use gcc for compiling and linking MPI programs in C:

$ mpicc -cc=gcc .......

To use gcc for compiling and linking C++ programs use:

$ mpicxx -CC=g++ .......

To use gcc for compiling and linking Fortran77 programs use:

$ mpif77 -fc=g77 .......

In each case, ..... stands for the remaining options to the mpicxx script, the

options to the compiler in question, and the names of the files it is to operate upon.

Using the same pattern you will see that this next example is similar, except that it uses the PGI (pgcc) compiler for compiling and linking in C:

$ mpicc -cc=pgcc .....

To use PGI for Fortran90/Fortran95 programs, use:

$ mpif90 -f90=pgf90 .....

$ mpif95 -f95=pgf95 .....

This example uses the Intel C compiler (icc):

$ mpicc -cc=icc .....


IB6054601-00 D

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Q-Logic IB6054601-00 D manual To Use Another Compiler, To use gcc for compiling and linking C++ programs use