Q-Logic IB6054601-00 D manual MPI Messages

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C – Troubleshooting InfiniPath MPI Troubleshooting


The following message indicates that a node program may not be processing incoming packets, perhaps due to a very high system load:

eager array full after overflow, flushing (head h, tail t)

The following indicates an invalid InfiniPath link protocol version:

InfiniPath version ERROR: Expected version v, found w (memkey h)

The following error messages should rarely occur and indicate internal software problems:

ExpSend opcode h tid=j, rhf_error k: str

Asked to set timeout w/delay l, gives time in past (t2 < t1) Error in sending packet: str

Fatal error in sending packet, exiting: str

Fatal error in sending packet: str

Here the str can give additional clues to the reason for the failure.

The following probably indicates a node failure or malfunctioning link in the fabric:

Couldn’t connect to NODENAME, rank RANK#. Time elapsed HH:MM:SS. Still trying

NODENAME is the node (host) name, RANK# is the MPI rank, and HH:MM:SS are the hours, minutes, and seconds since we started trying to connect.

If you get messages similar to the following, it may mean that you are trying to receive to an invalid (unallocated) memory address, perhaps due to a logic error in the program, usually related to malloc/free:

ipath_update_tid_err: Failed TID update for rendevous, allocation problem

kernel: infinipath: get_user_pages (0x41 pages starting at 0x2aaaaeb50000

kernel: infinipath: Failed to lock addr 0002aaaaeb50000, 65 pages: errno 12

TID is short for Token ID, and is part of the InfiniPath hardware. This error indicates a failure of the program, not the hardware or driver.


MPI Messages

Some MPI error messages are issued from the parts of the code inherited from the MPICH implementation. See the MPICH documentation for descriptions of these. This section presents the error messages specific to the InfiniPath MPI implementation.


IB6054601-00 D

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Q-Logic IB6054601-00 D manual MPI Messages