Q-Logic IB6054601-00 D manual Add the following lines to the file

Models: IB6054601-00 D

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2 – InfiniPath Cluster Administration Configuration and Startup


Check each of the lines starting with SUBSYSTEM=, to find the highest numbered interface. (For standard motherboards, the highest numbered interface will typically be 1.)

Add a new line at the end of the file, incrementing the interface number by one. In this example, it becomes eth2. The new line will look like this:

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{address}=="$MAC", IMPORT="/sbin/ rename_netiface %k eth2"

This will appear as a single line in the file. $MAC is replaced by the string from step 2 above.

4.Create the network module file:


Add the following lines to the file:

MODULE=ipath_ether STARTMODE=auto

This will cause the ipath_ether Ethernet driver to be loaded and configured during system startup.

5.Create the network configuration file:


If you are using DHCP (dynamically assigned IP addresses), add these lines to the file:


BOOTPROTO=dhcp NAME=’InfiniPath Network Card’ _nm_name=eth-id-$MAC

Proceed to Step 6.

If you are you are using static IP addresses (not DHCP), add these lines to the file:


BOOTPROTO=static NAME=’InfiniPath Network Card’ NETWORK= NETMASK= BROADCAST= IPADDR= _nm_name=eth-id-$MAC

Make sure that you substitute your own IP address for the sample IPADDR shown here. The BROADCAST, NETMASK, and NETWORK lines need to match for your network.


IB6054601-00 D

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Q-Logic IB6054601-00 D manual Add the following lines to the file