Radio Shack DX-392 owner manual Additional Features, Connecting Headphones, Lighting the Display

Models: DX-392

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For private listening and for stereo sound during FM stereo broadcasts, you can connect optional stereo head- phones with a 1/8-inch plug. Your local Radio Shack store sells a wide selec- tion of stereo headphones.

Insert the headphones’ plug into the

receiver’s jack. This disconnects

the receiver’s internal speaker.

When you connect stereo headphones and tune to a stereo broadcast, ST appears on the display. For the best reception, fine tune the receiver until ST remains steady.

Listening Safely

To protect your hearing, follow these guidelines when you use headphones.

Set the volume to the lowest set- ting before you begin listening. After you begin listening, adjust the volume to a comfortable level.

Do not listen at extremely high volume levels. Extended high- volume listening can lead to per- manent hearing loss.

Once you set the volume, do not increase it. Over time, your ears adapt to the volume level, so a volume level that does not cause discomfort might still damage your hearing.


Press LIGHT to briefly light the display.

The display light automatically turns off about 15 seconds after you release LIGHT. Press LIGHT again to turn it off sooner.


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Radio Shack DX-392 owner manual Additional Features, Connecting Headphones, Lighting the Display, Listening Safely