You can quickly dial the last number di- aled. When you heard a dial tone, press REDIAL on the corded phone, or on the infrared remote dial card if you want to use the headset for dialing.
Flash performs the switchhook opera- tion for special services, such as Call Waiting.
Note: The base corded phone and the headset record their own last number di- aled. You cannot redial the last number recorded in the corded base phone by using the headset.
For example, if you have Call Waiting, press FLASH on the headset, PHONE/ FLASH on the remote dial card or the switchhook on the base to take an in- coming call without disconnecting the current call. Press FLASH, PHONE/ FLASH or the switchhook again to return to the first call.
Note: If you do not have special phone services, pressing FLASH (PHONE/ FLASH on the remote dial card or the switchhook on the base) might discon- nect the current call.