| _WER | TV¥€R |
(_ | POWER | TV VCR Button | |
(_ | Number | Buttons |
| |
| _PLAYButton |
| |
| _1(1_ | STOP Button |
(_ | PROGRAM Button |
| |
@PAUSE | Butt( | RECORD Bu_on |
| |
| |||
(_CLEAR | Button- | F.FWD/SEARCH | Button | |
(_) TV I'CR Butlon:
•Turns the _ indicator in the display panel on and off.
When the _ indicator is displayed, your TV must be tuned to the VCR channel (3 or 4).
Signals come thru the VCR tuner and you select channels with the VCR CHANNEL buttons.
When the _ indicator is off. signals are bypassing the VCR and going right to the TV. So, you can select channels with the CHANNEL buttons on the TV.
•This button lets you record one channel while you're watching another channel. Details are on page 13.
PLA Y Button: This button is used to begin
pits'back when the VCR is stopped. The PL4 1" button is inactive when the VCR is recording.
STOP Button: Stops whatever the VCR is doing (record, playback, fast forv.ard, or rewind).
RECORD Button: Press the RECORD button to start recording when the VCR is stopped.
Note: Selected models of RCA color TV receivers and [
monitor/receivers feature remote controls that wilt I also ContrOl your VCR. See pages 32 and 33 for details:
@ F.FWD/SEARCH _" Bu_on: This is the fast forward button when the VCR is stopped. Once
you have pressed it. the tape will continue to "fast i'orward" until you press the STOP button (or to a counter reading of "0000" if the tape counter is displayed). If you do not press the STOP button, the VCR wi]{ fast forward to the end of the tape and then automatically rewind to the beginning of the tape and stop.
During playback, press 1.his button to search forward at a faqer speed. Press it again (or press PLA Y) to return to normal playbad- Details are on page 20.
The F.FWD/SEARCH Button is inactive during recording.
@REH'IND/SEARCH <<1 Butlon: When the VCR _s stopped, this button rewinds the tape to the beginning (or to a counter reading of "'0000"" if the tape counter is displayed).
During playback, press this button to search backwards. Press it again (or press PLA Y) to return to normal playback.
The REWIND/SEARCH button is inactive during recording.