Loading a Rifle With a Detachable Box Magazine
1.Keep the rifle pointed in a safe direction throughout the loading process.
2.Make sure the safety mechanism is engaged in the “safe” position.
3.Lift the bolt handle and pull the bolt all the way to the rear.
4.Depress the magazine latch in front of the trigger guard, allowing the magazine to be pulled out of the bot- tom of the receiver. (See Picture 13)
Picture 13
5. Place a cartridge on top of the follower of the magazine and press down on the cartridge until it is retained in the magazine. Carefully position the cartridge so that its base is flush with the rear of the magazine.
(See Picture 14)
Picture 14
6.Place each successive cartridge in the magazine as described in Step 4, until the magazine is full.
7.Insert the magazine back into the magazine well of the receiver until it is retained by the magazine latch.
8.Insert one round directly into the chamber. Then press down on the top cartridge in the magazine as you close the bolt over the top of that cartridge. (See Picture 15)
Picture 15
9. Your rifle is now in the