8.8.6 Display Unit
Invokes the cascaded menu as follows:
Byte - view the data as 8-bit bytes.
Word - view the data as 16-bit words.
DWord - view the data as 32-bit double words.
8.8.7 Align to 8 Bytes
Data is displayed on each line as 8 bytes. The number of bytes that can be accommodated on each line is
dependent upon the size of the window.
8.8.8 Toggle ASCII Column
Allows the ASCII column to be removed or displayed.
8.8.9 Create Selection...
Launches the ‘Create Selection’ dialog box allowing the user to create a selection area by entering its start
address, end address and length. The selected area can be used in conjunction with the Clipboard, Fill or
Search and Replace.
8.8.10 Fill...
Launches the ‘Fill’ dialog box for the current active file to write the specified data to the selected area.
When the ‘ASCII Fill’ check box is selected, the data to be written can be specified with ASCII characters.
8.8.11 Find...
This will launch the ‘Find’ dialog box allowing the user to enter either hexadecimal or ASCII data. The
scope of the search is limited to the data within the active file in the Editor window. If a match is found, the
Editor window is updated to display the found data.
8.8.12 Replace...
This will launch the ‘Replace’ dialog box allowing the user to enter either the hexadecimal or ASCII data to
be found and the replacement data, in the same format. The scope of the search is limited to the data within
the active file in the Editor window. If a match is found , the Editor window is updated to display the found
data, click on the now enabled Replace button to replace the data.
8.8.13 Properties...
Launches the ‘S-Record Properties’ dialog box.
8.8.14 Add to Active Project
Adds the file to the active project. This menu item will be disabled if the file is already added to the project.