7.2.8 Find In Files...
This launches a dialog to allow data to be located in files external to the active file.
7.2.9 Replace...
This will launch the ‘Replace’ dialog box allowing the user to enter either the hexadecimal or ASCII data to
be found and the replacement data, in the same format. The scope of the search is bounded by the area
selected, for the active file in the Editor windo w. If a match is found, the Editor window is updat ed to
display the found data, click on the now enabled Replac e button to replace the data.
7.3 View Menu
The ‘View’ menu is used to display or remove FDT GUI features, such as the Workspace and Output
7.3.1 Workspace
Displays the Workspacewindow.
7.3.2 Output
Displays the Output window.
7.4 Project Menu
The ‘Project’ menu provides high level control and facilities for projects within the workspace.
7.4.1 Set Current Project
This option allows the user to select the active project where there are multiple projects in the workspace.
7.4.2 Insert Project...
This option allows the user to create a new project, and add it to the workspace.
7.4.3 Add Files...
Launches the ‘Open’ dialog box allowing the user to add data files to the project.
7.4.4 Remove Files...
Removes the selected file from the project.
7.4.5 File Extensions...
This option allows the user to select which file extensi ons are recognized by FDT and configure how they
are handled.