ii. Preface About this guide
This guide explains the use of the Renesas Flash Development Toolkit(hereafter referred to as FDT).
Chapter 1 , Introduction, provides a brief explanation to the tool and lists its key features.
Chapter 2 , System Overview, describes how the different facilities make up the FDT Graphical User
Chapter 3 , Using FDT, describes how FDT is activated and the FLASH ROM is written.
Chapter 4 , Wait For Script
Chapter 5 , Access Rights describes configuration of User Names and Passwords
Chapter 6 , Configuring the User Interface, provides a way to co nfigure the FDT Graphical User Interface.
Chapter 7 , Menus, and Chapter 8 , Windows, give reference information about the operations and
facilities available through these respective ar eas.
Chapter 9 , Simple Interface Mode, describes use of FDT with a cut-down Graphical User Interface.
Chapter 10 , Basic Simple Interface Mode, describes use of FDT with a cut-down Graphical User Interface
without the need to setup a workspace and project.
Chapter 11 , Field Programming, describes use the Field Programming feature for publishing projects for
other FDT users, and use of published projects.
Chapter 12 , E8 Update, describes how FDT updates the E8 firmware.
Chapter 13 , E8Direct describes how an E8 can be used as an E8Direct
Chapter 14 , QzROM Programming describes the programming of the new style of Renesas Flash
Chapter 15, Locking describes FDT operation with those devices that support erase block locking.
Chapter 16 describes notes about upgrading to FDT3.07.
It is assumed that the reader is experienced in using Microsoft® Windows® applications on PC-compatible