3.2.9 Can I modify the User Mode kernels to work for a different clock frequency?
It is recommended that the original kernel is cop ied to another directory and that this copy is edited, thus
leaving the original kernel unmodified. When using the kernel for the first time, you will need to browse to
the alternate location to find the fcf file.
The User Mode kernels need to be rebuilt if a different clock frequency is going to be used. The initial Bit
Rate Register value is held in the ‘gentest.h’ file and is compiled into the User Mode Test Pr ogram; this
allows the kernel initialise the serial communications interface to 9600 baud. If the clock frequency
changes from the default supplied value, the initial Bit Rate Register setting in ‘gentest.h’ [normally
MA_BRR_SCI or MA_BRR_SCI1] will need to be modified and the kernel recompiled. Re fer to the
device hardware manual for details of how to calculate the Bit Rate Register value.
3.3.1 Starting FDT without Security or Simple Interface Mode enabled
To start FDT, open the ‘Start’ menu of Windows® and select ‘Programs’ -> ‘Renesas’ -> ‘Flash
Development Toolkit3.07’, then the ‘Flash Developme nt Toolkit3.07’ shortcut. The ‘Welcome’ dialog box
will open by default.
Figure 3-1 Welcome Dialog
To create a new workspace, select ‘Create a new Project Worksp ace’ and click the ‘OK’ button (see section
3.4.1 for details). To open a recent workspace, select ‘Open a recent project workspace’ and the workspace
to be opened from the list box. To open an existing worksp ace which is not in the list of recently used
workspaces, select ‘Browse to another project Workspace’. Finally, click the ‘OK’ button.
3.3.2 Starting FDT in Basic Simple Interface Mode
To start FDT in Basic Simple Interface Mode, open the ‘Start’ menu of Windows® and select ‘Programs’ -
> ‘Renesas’ -> ‘FLASH Development Toolkit 3.07’, then the ‘Flash Development Toolkit3.07Basic’
shortcut. The previous FDT Basic settings will be restored, and new settings can be entered by selecting the
Options->New Settings… menu item.