7.1.6 Open an S-Record...
Launches the ‘Open an S-Record’ dialog box allowing the us er to open an existing file. The file may be an
S-Record file (.rec, .mot, .a20, .a37, .s2), a Device Image file (.fpr, .ddi), or a binary file (.bin, .cde).
7.1.7 Save
Saves the current active file.
7.1.8 Save As...
Launches the ‘Save As’ dialog box allowing the user to save and name the currently open file..
7.1.9 Exit
Closes and exits the FDT application.
7.2 Edit Menu
The ‘Edit’ menu is used for aspects of the program that access or alter data in the Editor window.
7.2.1 Undo
Allows the user to reverse the previous editing operation.
7.2.2 Redo
Allows the user to reverse the previous Undo operation.
7.2.3 Cut
This will remove the contents of the highlighted block from the window and place it on the clipboard in the
standard Windows manner. This option is only available if a block is highlighted.
7.2.4 Copy
This will copy the contents of the highlighted block to the clipboard in the standard Windows manner. This
option is only available if a block is highlighted.
7.2.5 Paste
This will copy the contents of the Windows clipboard into the child window at the current cursor position.
7.2.6 Select All
Selects all the information in the active file i n the editor window.
7.2.7 Find...
This will launch the ‘Find’ dialog box allowing the user to enter either hexadecimal or ASCII data. The
scope of the search is bounded by the area selected, for the active file in the Editor window. If a match is
found, the Editor window is updated to display the found data.