2.2 Concept of a ProjectThe TM manages the software development process using the concept of a project. Following are managed as part of a
project by the TM:
z Procedural information necessary to generate the final object (normally the executable object)
z Information on source files associated with development
z Information on compile, etc. options
z Information on development members
z Information on development-related documents
You specify these items of information as you define a project. Furthermore, the TM reads out the following
information which was recorded to a file when the compiler, etc. were installed.
z Information on generation dependency relationship for the MCU family used
All these pieces of information are stored in a project file for management purposes. A project file actually consists of
the following two types of files:
z “Project name.TMK” file
z “Project name.TMI” file
The TMK file is prepared in the “makefile format” corresponding to the make command that is used standard in the
UNIXTM operating system, etc. This file contains the information necessary to generate the final object. On the other
hand, the TMI file contains information about the development members or documents that cannot be accommodated
by the makefile format TMK file. The project name1 always matches the project file names.2 The current project name
is displayed on the project bar when you start the TM.
Fig. 2-2 Project Name
1 Because a project name is used for file names, project names are subject to the same limitations as are file names. For example, any string that
contains kanji cannot be used for a project name.
2 Although when you created a new project, the final object name is created from the project name, the final object name and the project name do not
always have to coincide.