4.2 Project Editor4.2.1 Overview
The Project Editor is a window in which you can view and edit a project. Use the Project Editor to define or change
the source files or compile options or the project generation procedure included in the project. The Project Editor
functions as an editor for makefiles handled by the GNU Make command.
4.2.2 Window Composition
The diagram below shows the window composition of the Project Editor. The Project Editor is divided into a menu,
toolbar, status bar, generation procedure view, item information view, member view, and document view.
Fig. 4-16 Window Composition of the Project Editor
z The Project Editor is started from the Project Bar to create a new project or open an existing project.
z The primary commands of the Project Editor are assigned to its toolbar.
z Only one project can be edited at a time. You cannot open multiple Project Editor windows at the same time.