50 Debug Tool Information Dialog Box
The Debug Tool Information dialog box is provided for registering a debugger.
Fig. 4-9 Debug Tool Information Dialog Box
■ Name (essential)
Enter a debugger name.
■ File Path (essential)
Enter a path to the debugger’s execution file. The file can also be selected by clicking the Browse button.
■ Current button
The current directory from which to start the debugger can be specified. By default, this is the directory where the
debugger’s execution file is stored. Clicking the Current button opens the Current Directory dialog box.
■ Etc(Version)
Use this text box to set version or other desired information.
■ Target Chip (essential)
Select the target chip to be operated on by the debugger.
■ Environment
This field shows environment variables used by the debugger.
■ Add button
Click this button when you want to add an environment variable. The Environment Settings dialog box opens.
■ Delete button
To delete any environment variable, select it from the list and click the Delete button.
■ Modify button
To modify any environment variable, select it from the list and click the Modify button. The Environment Settings
dialog box opens.
■ OK button
Click the OK button, and the contents you changed are reflected before closing the Tools Information dialog box.
■ Cancel button
Click the Cancel button, and the Tools Information dialog box is closed without reflecting the contents you changed.