Example of a directory structure
With the above concept taken into account, a directory structure like the one shown below may be conceived.
\ModelA Working directory for model A
\ModelB Working directory for model B
\SRCA Source directory for model A
\SRCB Source directory for model B
\COMMON Common source directory for A and B
\HEAD Common header file for A and B
G:\COMMON Common source directory on a network
In this example, separate working directories, one for model A and one for model B, are prepared, in which a project
is worked on. The files placed on drive C are managed with a relative path from the working directory. All the
directories and files below the “\WORK” directory can be moved collectively to any desired location, providing that the
relative path relationship is maintained.
Prepared on drive G is the directory in which the common source files are stored when developing a project with
multiple people. Because the drive is different, this directory is managed with an absolute path. Therefore, we
recommend that this directory be assigned the same drive name on multiple computers.9
This is just an example. Any directory structure may be configured as desired, only if you know the meaning of the
working directory and how the files are registered.
9 Because network path names are not guaranteed for the TM to work properly, be sure to assign a drive for this common directory.