Analyzing with the Inspector
The Inspector allows for static program analysis by reading into it the final object “ModelA.x30” that has been built.
Use one of the Project Bar buttons shown below to start the Inspector.
Variable Definition Display button
Variable Reference Display button
Function Reference Display button
Function Definition Display button
String box
Detail Setup button
Fig. 3-27 Buttons for Using the Inspector
The Inspector performs functional analysis on the string which is entered in the String box by Copy & Paste.
For example, when you want to find locations where a variable system_code is used in the program, first enter that
string into the String box on the Project Bar by Copy & Paste or by typing directly from the keyboard.
Fig. 3-28 Copying a String
Fig. 3-29 Variable Reference Display Button
Press the [Variable Reference Display] button, and the Inspector starts up and outputs information on locations where
system_code is used.