executed. If main.r30 is created from main.c, for example, write a statement as shown below.
main.r30 : main.c
nc30 -c main.c
In such a case, display on the Project Editor should appear like the one shown below.
Show command information on a selected file (item) on the right side of the window.
The information will be displayed as shown above. What is meant by this is that main.r30 is created from main.c by an
operation “$(CC)$(CFLAGS) main.c.”
Now, we’ll show an example of a simple project.
Fig. 3-11 Example of a Project
In this example, there are two items at the top level: all and clean.13
all Item to build a project
clean Item to delete generated objects
These two are always displayed as essential items. (Other items can be added.)
The item all creates a “ModelA.x30” file. The “ModelA.x30” file is created from the following three files (it depends
on these three files):
ModelA.cmd Command file used when linking
ncrt0.r30 Post-assemble object of the startup program
main.r30 Post-compile object of a program written in C language
The “main.r30” file is created from the “main.c” file. This relationship of file generation is displayed with a Project
Editor view.14
13 For projects using the real-time OS, youll have CFGEXECONTM at the top level, in addition to the two items, all and clean. CFGEXECONTM is
the item necessary to execute the configurator singly. However, since when you update the configuration file, it is automatically reconfigured,
reconfiguration by this item normally is unnecessary.
14 When written in makefile description, this becomes as follows:
all: ModelA.x30
ModelA.x30: ModelA.cmd ncrt0.r30 main.r30
ModelA.cmd: ModelA.tmk
ncrt0.r30: ncrt0.a30 sect30.inc