■ InspectorThe Inspector provides a facility that based on the debug information included in the “absolute object file” generated
by build, analyzes the locations where functions and variables are defined or referenced. Unlike a simple string search,
the Inspector does the search based on the information embedded by the compiler.5 As a result, the following
advantages accrue:
z Comments and other non-compiled parts are not searched
z Can be searched separately for references and definitions
z Even when divided into multiple source files, the entire program can always be searched
Fig. 2-7 Inspector
■ GNU MakeThe GNU Make command is an open-source software item compatible with the Make command available in the
UNIXTM operating system. It can be freely distributed according to GPL (GNU Public License). The GNU Make
command manages build operation based on the file dependency relations described in files known as the “makefile”
(e.g., a file .x30 is created from a file .r30).
5 The information on source file line numbers indicated by the Inspector is derived from syntactical analysis of the
source file by the compiler, etc. Therefore, the information is displayed at positions where syntactical analysis is
completed (same as displayed on the debugger). Because the grep command, etc., indicates the location of a searched
string, whereas the Inspector indicates separation in language syntax, there will be a difference between the two. For
int func( char, <— Searched at this position by grep
int); <— For the Inspector, this position is searched