Section 8 Application Interface
Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 95 of 128
8.2 Server-Stub Functions Generated by RPCGEN RPCGEN outputs the server-stub functions themselves to <config file>_svr.c and the prototype
declarations to <config file>_svr.h.
The name of each server-stub function takes the form rpcsvr_<server name>_<server function
name>. <Server name> refers to the server name defined with SVR_NAME and <server function
name> refers to server function names defined between the braces {} of RPC_FUNC.
Since the server-stub functions are called from within the RPC library, the user usually does not
need to recognize the APIs of the server-stub functions output by RPCGEN. If SVRSTUB is used
to prevent creation of the server-stub functions, however, the user must implement the server-stub
functions in accord with the specifications.
Contents of a config file
int ret = func1([IN DFLT]int par);
func([OUT PTR]struct ST *ptr);
Specification of a client-stub function
UINT32 rpcsvr_EXAMPLE_func1(rpc_server_stub_info * const __pInfo);
UINT32 rpcsvr_EXAMPLE_func2(rpc_server_stub_info * const __pInfo);