Section 6 Definitions of Server Functions
Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 63 of 128
6.6 Keywords for Data Types
Select one of the following four available keywords.
DFLT: Default
PTR: Pointer
STR: String
ARY: Array
When ARY is selected, the parameter for COUNT must also be specified.
6.6.1 DFLT (Default)
Input/Output Keywords Available for Use in Combination with DFLT:
The parameter itself is transferred between the client and server. DFLT is only specifiable when
the parameter has any of the following types.
Integer (signed short, unsigned short, signed long, unsigned long, signed int, or unsigned int)
Character (signed char or unsigned char)
Real number (float or double)
Structure-type or union-type object that is not an array
Specification of a server function
int func(int par);
The function takes par as an input and returns a value of type int.
Definition of the server function
int ret = func([IN DFLT]int par);