Section 8 Application Interface
Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 101 of 128
8.7 Client-Shutdown Function The client-shutdown function is called by the client application and terminates the connection to
the server by using rpc_disconnect().
When CLNT_NOSHUTDOWN has not been specified, RPCGEN generates a client-shutdown
function rpcclnt_<server name>_shutdown. RPCGEN outputs the client-shutdown function itself
to <config file>_clnt.c and the prototype declaration to <config file>_clnt.h.
<Server name> refers to the server name defined with SVR_NAME.
When CLNT_NOSHUTDOWN has been specified, RPCGEN does not generate a client-shutdown
function. The client-shutdown function must be provided by the user if one is required.
The specification of the client-shutdown function generated by RPCGEN is as follows.
• C-language API
INT32 rpcclnt_<server name>_shutdown(UINT32 __ulRPCServerID, UINT32
• Return value
The return value of rpc_disconnect()
• Parameter: __ulRPCServerID and __ulRPCServerVersion
These parameters indicate the server ID and server version, respectively. When SVR_AUTH
has not been specified, however, the server ID and server version are ignored. Instead, the
macros RPCSVR_ID_<server name> and RPCSVR_VERS_<server name> output to <config
file>_public.h are taken as the server ID and server version in terminating a connection to the
• Specification
Connection to the server is terminated by using rpc_disconnect() and no callback function is
specifiable for the client-shutdown function. In the current HI7200/MP specification,
rpc_disconnect() handles no processing other than terminating the connection to the server.