Section 6 Definitions of Server Functions
Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 60 of 128
6.5.4 REF (Passing by Reference)
This keyword specifies that only the address of the parameter will be passed between the client
and the server. REF is useful when the size of the parameter to be passed is large.
This keyword can be used in conjunction with IN and with the data-type keywords PTR, STR, and
Figure 6.1 illustrates the difference between cases with and without REF.
[IN PTR] struct ST *ptr
[IN RE F PTR] struc t ST *ptr
ptr Paramete r to b e
passed to the
server funct ion
struct ST
struct ST
struct ST
Parameter sp e c ifie d in th e c lie n t
Parameter specif ied in the cli ent
Server pa rameter area
(in a non-cacheabl e area)
Server parameter are a
(in a non-cacheabl e area)
Copying Parameter to be
passed to the
server funct ion
Client ar ea
Client area*
*Note: When the device i n use does not provide a fa cility f or cache-snooping
between the CPU cores (as is the case for the SH2A-DUAL etc.), the serv er
parameter area must be all ocated in a non-cacheabl e area.
Figure 6.1 REF