Section 11 Samples
Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 109 of 128
Section 11 Samples This section introduces samples of the code in a config file and the corresponding output files. To
create these samples, we have used the C standard library functions and the HI7200/MP service
calls listed in table 11.1. This is simply because we have assumed that most users will understand
these functions, not because the functions should necessarily be distributed by the RPC facility.
Table 11.1 Files Provided for Illustration
Server Function Description
double atof(const char *nptr); C standard library function (stdlib.h)
int atoi(const char *nptr); C standard library function (stdlib.h) with REF
ER ref_tsk2(ID tskid, T_RTSK *pk_rtsk); Service call ref_tsk
ER ref_sem2(ID semid, T_RSEM *pk_rsem); Service call ref_sem