Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 12 of 128
4.3 Executing RPCGEN as a Build Phase in the High-performance Embedded Workshop
After RPCGEN has been registered as a custom build phase in the workspace, it will be
automatically executed at the time of building.
(1) Defining Custom Placeholders
The following two custom placeholders must be defined.
Path to RPCGEN
[Placeholder]: RPCGEN_INST
[Description]: RPCGEN Base directory
[Directory]: Directory under which RPCGEN is stored
Path to Perl.exe
[Placeholder]: PERL_INST
[Description]: Perl Base directory
[Directory]: Directory under which perl.exe is stored
To define a custom placeholder, follow the procedure below.
Select [Setup->Customize] from the menu bar of the High-performance Embedded Workshop.
Then select the [Placeholders] tab of the [Customize] dialog box. Choose either [Application wide
custom placeholders] or [Workspace wide custom placeholders] and click on the [Add] button.
This opens the [New Custom Placeholder] dialog box shown in figure 4.1. Define the two custom
placeholders in this dialog box by filling in the information given above.
Figure 4.1 [New Custom Placeholder] Dialog Box