Section 4 Executing RPCGEN
Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 12 of 128
4.3 Executing RPCGEN as a Build Phase in the High-performance Embedded Workshop After RPCGEN has been registered as a custom build phase in the workspace, it will be
automatically executed at the time of building.
(1) Defining Custom Placeholders
The following two custom placeholders must be defined.
• Path to RPCGEN
[Placeholder]: RPCGEN_INST
[Description]: RPCGEN Base directory
[Directory]: Directory under which RPCGEN is stored
• Path to Perl.exe
[Placeholder]: PERL_INST
[Description]: Perl Base directory
[Directory]: Directory under which perl.exe is stored
To define a custom placeholder, follow the procedure below.
Select [Setup->Customize] from the menu bar of the High-performance Embedded Workshop.
Then select the [Placeholders] tab of the [Customize] dialog box. Choose either [Application wide
custom placeholders] or [Workspace wide custom placeholders] and click on the [Add] button.
This opens the [New Custom Placeholder] dialog box shown in figure 4.1. Define the two custom
placeholders in this dialog box by filling in the information given above.
Figure 4.1 [New Custom Placeholder] Dialog Box