Introduction continued...
While your system is one of the most efficient
available, there are two simple steps you can take to
increase your water-heating cost savings.
Keep the use of the Backup Heater to a Minimum
You can save the most money on your water-heating
bills by using the backup heater on your system as
little as possible. If the sun shines brightly between
I0 am and 3 pm, enough heat will normally be
generated to keep the water hot throughout the rest of
the day and night.
However, on days when the sky is cloudy or when
large quantities of hot water are being used, we
suggest that the backup heater be left “ON” overnight
to ensure adequate hot water the next morning.
Try to use Hot Waterduring Daylight Hours
When possible, schedule heavy hot water use, such as
dish washing, laundry and showers, in the middle of
the day. If hot water usage occurs while the sun is up,
the fresh (cold) water added to the storage tank is
heated more quickly.
When water is used late in the day or at night, the
fresh water entering the tank will be heated by the
element so hot water is available in the morning.
The Rheem Thermosiphon systems operate on the
passive thermosiphon principle a ‘closed loop’to
provide fail-safe freeze protection up to -30°F of the
collector closed loop. The closed loop consists of the
solar absorbers, a single wall heat exchanger around
the outside of the storage tank, and plumbing
Radiant energy from the sun heats the special long-
life fluid in the solar collectors. As the fluid is heated,
it rises into the tank heat exchanger and heats the
potable water stored within.The hot potable water is
stored in a well-insulated steel storage tank, which is
lined with two coats of Primaglaze vitreous enamel
for high temperature stability.
Flow of the closed loop fluid, using the passive
thermosiphon principle, is accomplished without
pumps, sensors or moving parts.