Printing from List Per User ID

B Press the user ID whose file you want to print.


You cannot select multiple user IDs at the same time.

Press [UPrev.] or [TNext.] to scroll through the list.

Press [Clear] to cancel a selection.

C Press [Print All Jobs].

If the selected user ID has multiple types of print jobs, the selection screen of the print job type appears.

D Select the desired print job type, and then press [Yes].

A confirmation screen appears.


The confirmation screen does not appear if the selected ID has only one type of print jobs. Pro- ceed to step E.

You cannot select a print job that is not stored under the se- lected user ID.

If you select Sample Print in- cluding multiple files without setting a quantity, 1 page less than the minimum number of all settings is applied.

If you select Stored Print, the


number you set on the confir-


mation screen is applied to all


files of the selected print job


type. If you do not set a quanti-


ty, the minimum number is ap-


plied to all files.


If you select Locked Print, enter


the correct password. If there


are multiple passwords, the ma-


chine prints only files that corre-


spond to the entered password.


If you select Stored Print files,


and some of these require a


password, the machine prints

files that correspond to the entered password and files that do not require a password. If a password is not entered, files that do not require a password are printed.

E Press [Yes].

The selected files are printed.


Press [No] to cancel printing.


After printing is completed, Sample Print, Locked Print, and Hold Print files are deleted.


For details about printing each type of print job, see the follow- ings:

p.86 “Sample Print”

p.89 “Locked Print”

p.92 “Hold Print”

p.95 “Stored Print”