8. Other User Tools

Initial settings allow you switch the language as well as checking the number of printed paper by displaying the counter.


The following [Maintenance] functions allow you to correct colour drift and gra- dient.

Nozzle Check Pattern

Prints test patterns to check whether or not the nozzles are clogged. If the test patterns are of poor definition or blurred, select the [Clean Print-heads]func- tion.

Clean Print-heads

Cleans the printheads. Use this function when a colour does not print or printing is not clear.

Note that printhead cleaning consumes a small amount of ink.

Flush Print-heads

Cleans the printheads more thoroughly. Flushing the printheads uses much more ink than cleaning. Flush the printheads only when repeated cleaning fails to unclog the printheads.


Prints calibration test patterns to correct misaligned verticals or blurred col- ours produced during bidirectional printing.

Head Position Adjust


It prints test patterns to adjust the print starting position of paper accord- ing to paper feed tray.

Adjust Paper Feed

Prints test patterns that you can use to correct misaligned horizontals or poor image reproduction.

Restore Defaults

Restores adjusted values made under “Head Position Adjust”, “Registra- tion”, and “Adjust Paper Feed” to their original values.