Information about Installed Software


Sablotron (Version 0.82) Copyright © 2000 Ginger Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved

a)The application software installed on this product includes the Sablotron soft- ware Version 0.82 (hereinafter, “Sablotron 0.82”), with modifications made by the product manufacturer. The original code of the Sablotron 0.82 is provided by Ginger Alliance Ltd., the initial developer, and the modified code of the Sablo- tron 0.82 has been derived from such original code provided by Ginger Alliance Ltd.

b)The product manufacturer provides warranty and support to the application software of this product including the Sablotron 0.82 as modified, and the prod- uct manufacturer makes Ginger Alliance Ltd., the initial developer of the Sablo- tron 0.82, free from these obligations.

c)The Sablotron 0.82 and the modifications thereof are made available under the terms of Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (hereinafter, “MPL 1.1”), and the ap- plication software of this product constitutes the “Larger Work” as defined in MPL 1.1. The application software of this product except for the Sablotron 0.82 as modified is licensed by the product manufacturer under separate agree- ment(s).

d)The source code of the modified code of the Sablotron 0.82 is available at: ht- tp://

e)The source code of the Sablotron software is available at: http://www.ginger-

f)MPL 1.1 is available at:


• The software installed on this product is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.