Item Description
Contact Enter the contact information of the machine. The contact information
entered here is displayed on the main page. Can contain up to 64
Configuring the SMTP Settings
Click the [SMTP] tab on the network settings page to configure the SMTP settings.
Item Description
Primary SMTP Server Enter the IP address or host name of the SMTP/POP3 server. Can contain
up to 64 characters.
Port No. Enter the port number for SMTP (1 to 65535).
Authentication Method Select an authentication method from the following:
[Anonymous]: The user name and password are not necessary.
[SMTP]: The machine supports NTLM and LOGIN authentication.
[POP before SMTP]: The POP3 server is used for authentication. When
sending e-mails to an SMTP server, you can enhance the SMTP server
security level by connecting to the POP server for authentication.
User Name Enter the user name for logging in to the SMTP server. Can contain up to 32
Password Enter the password for logging in to the SMTP server. Can contain up to 32
Configuring the Network Settings