that the signal falls away on every side of the maximum signal location.
Note: If following a moving Sonde, it may be easiest to “chase” a pole, and then to pinpoint the actual position of the Sonde only after the Sonde has stopped moving.
Measuring Depth (Sonde Mode)
1.To measure depth, place the locator on the ground, directly above the Sonde or the line.
2.Measured Depth will be shown in the lower left hand corner of the
3.Measured Depth will be accurate only if the signal is undistorted. Measured Depth Display is disabled under clipping conditions.
Note: Holding the Select Key will display a short
Clipping (Sonde Mode)
Occasionally the Signal Strength will be strong enough that the receiver will be unable to process the entire signal, a condition known as “clipping”. When this occurs, a warning symbol will appear on the screen. It means that the signal is particularly strong.
Some modern pushcable and camera systems are equipped to inject the 33 kHz signal onto the pushcable automatically. If you are using an earlier pushcable and camera system, you can inject the 33 kHz signal onto the pushcable by using an Inductive Clamp with several turns of the pushcable looped around the jaws. Plug the Inductive Clamp into a transmitter set to 33 kHz and turn it on.
To activate the SimulTrace mode, select it from the Main Menu frequency list and toggle it into Active Status (it is off by default). Then, select SimulTrace
from the menu of frequencies.
Figure 37: Selecting SimulTrace Mode
Once you have activated the SimulTrace mode, follow the general rules of active line tracing to find and follow the pushcable.
When you are within detection distance of the Sonde, the screen will automatically shift to Sonde mode and will display the equator and the poles as described above. When SimulTrace is active, the screen will continue to display a faint tracing line representing the pushcable on 33 kHz even when it is in Sonde mode. This is especially useful if you are following a pipeline whose location and bearing is questionable. Note: If no signal from either a line at 33 kHz or a 512 Hz Sonde can be detected, the magnifying glass will appear to indicate the unit is seeking for a signal.
Figure 38:
SimulTrace Mode: No-Signal Icon
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