Presetting stations
You may store up to 9 stations on FM, 9 on MW and 9 on LW giving a total of 27 preset stations.
1.Tune into the required station using one of the tuning methods previously described.
2.Press and release the Memo button, the word SAVE -
3.Select the preset under which you wish to store the station using the Preset + and - buttons.
4.Press and release the Memo button to store the station. The preset number will now appear at the bottom of the display.
5.Repeat the procedure for the remaining presets.
Note: Presetting of stations can only be carried out whilst the word SAVE -
6.If all the preset memory locations are full pushing the Memo button will cause the display to show ‘FULL. If you still want to store a new station press the Memo button and continue from step 3.