This manual provides information on the features, instal- lation, and operation of the Punch 4040 DSM and 4080 DSM Amplifiers. We suggest you save this manual for future reference.
We strongly recommend you have your Authorized Rock- ford Fosgate Dealer install your new Punch
The Rockford Fosgate
“Discrete Surface Mount” (DSM) technology is utilized in the crafting of all of our Punch amplifiers. This process provides greater ruggedness and consistency of both components and layout. Already used heavily in aero- space and industrial applications, this technology is also highly advantageous in the hostile automotive environ- ment.
Low Level Input Senstivity. The Punch
Punch Equalization. This circuit is designed to compen- sate for the acoustic inadequacies of the automotive environment. This patented circuitry will correct for the poor bass response and natural high frequency
Active Electronic Crossover Modules