Chord List symbol: Indicates the constituent not of chord.
symbol: Chord shown with an β βcan be played by pressing just the key marked with the β .β
E 6
Em7 5 Fm7 5Dm7 5C#m7 5Cm7 5
C C# D E E F
Cmaj7 C#maj7 Dmaj7 E maj7 Emaj7 Fmaj7
C7 C#7 D7 E 7 E7 F7
Cm C#m Dm E m Em Fm
Cm7 C#m7 Dm7 E m7 Em7 Fm7
Cdim C#dim Ddim E dim Edim Fdim
Caug C#aug Daug E aug Eaug Faug
Csus4 C#sus4 Dsus4 E sus4 Esus4 Fsus4
C7sus4 C#7sus4 D7sus4 E 7sus4 E7sus4 F7sus4
E m7 5
C6 C#6 D6 E6
Cm6 Dm6 Em6
C#m6 E m6