Creating Organ Sounds (Vintage Organ)The Vintage Organ button lets you add vintage organ sounds to the upper and lower parts.
In addition, you can also use the harmonic bars to modify the selected sound as desired.
The ATELIER provides nine harmonic bars each for the upper keyboard and lower keyboard parts, and two harmonic bars for the pedalboard part.
Each harmonic bar is assigned a sound of a dierent footage (pitch), and by layering these sounds you can create a variety of organ tones.
By sliding the harmonic bars forward or backward (in or out), you can adjust the volume of the various footages.
The volume can be adjusted over nine steps (0–8).
When a harmonic bar is pulled out all the way (8), the volume is loudest. When it is pushed in all the way (0), there will be no sound.
You can use the Solo part’s harmonic bar to adjust the volume of the Solo part.
What’s the feet?
“Feet” is a term that began as a measurement of the length of the pipes in a pipe organ.
The pipes that produce the basic pitch (fundamental) for each note are considered to be “8 feet” in length.
Therefore, a pipe producing a pitch one octave below that of the reference of 8’ (eight feet) would be 16’; for one octave above the reference,
the pipe would be 4’, and to take the pitch up yet another octave it would be shortened to 2’.
one octave
5th root 8th 12th 15th 17th 19th 22nd